
About GustaVet

Gustavet didirikan pada tahun 1999 di Jalan Cidodol Raya No.1 oleh Drh. Gustav. Tahun 2006, Gustavet fokus pada layanan holistik khususnya akupunktur hewan oleh Drh. Gustav yang belajar secara otodidak dari akupunktur manusia dan membuat asosiasi akupunktur di Indonesia beserta dengan pelajarannya.

Tahun 2012, Gustavet menjadi Klinik Hewan dan Akupuntur. Motivasi didirikannya klinik ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesehatan hewan peliharaan kesayangan, dengan memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas yaitu terjaganya kejujuran, integritas, keramahan serta mengedepankan kesejahteraan pemilik hewan, para dokter dan karyawannya sebagai satu keluarga besar. Klinik Gustavet didukung profesionalitas dokter dan staff serta fasilitas pelayanan medik veteriner.

Our Mission & Vision


To offer each pet the best care possible while providing superior client service.


To be the premiere center of excellence for all aspects of pet care in the community, where clients can expect an unsurpassed level of compassion and service.


To improve the quality of life for pets and their owners while strengthening the human-animal bond.

Core Values

Integrity. Respect. Excellence. Teamwork. Passion. Education. Fun.

Superior client and patient care

We have a passion for helping animals and believe in superior client satisfaction.

Holistic treatment

GustaVet Clinic focus on holistic treatment such as acupunture, acupressure, wmcs, cold laser, pet nutrition, etc.

general pet health maintenance

The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” certainly holds true when it comes to pet health. The cost of prevention is often a fraction of the cost of treating a disease or problem once it has become more advanced, and early diagnosis and treatment of developing problems or diseases can increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Our veterinarian will provide you with recommendations for your pet’s nutrition, dental care, vaccinations and heartworm/flea/tick prevention, as well as recommendations specifically tailored to your pet’s health status and risk factors.

Our Team

Highly Trained Veterinarians


Drh. Gustav A Mueller

Degree: Bogor Agricultural University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Acupuncture, Rehabilitative Medicine, Preventive Care, Surgery, Clinics Management, Herbalist Expert
Organizations: ACTIVI, Asosiasi Dokter Hewan Bedah Indonesia, ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Nino

Degree: Bogor Agricultural University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Cat and Surgery
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Cristianita

Degree: Airlangga University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Hospitalized Small Animals and Acupuncture
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Galih Putri Andini

Degree: Gadjah Mada University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Hospitalized Small Animals
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Luica

Degree: Brawijaya University: Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Hospitalized Small Animals
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Amelia Widodo

Degree: Bogor Agricultural University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Hospitalized Small Animals
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Drh. Dwiva Monika

Degree: Syiah Kuala University : Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine
Area of Specialty:  Hospitalized Small Animals
Organizations: ADPHKI, PDHI


Staff & Employees

Vet Assistant & Cleaning Assistant

From Left to Right : Hendri, Tole, Ipul, Aldi, Muji, Imam, Jameel


Paramedics are in charge of assisting doctors in laboratory, hospitalization, and surgery tasks.
From left to right : Nat, Gina, Ade, Resya, Rini.

Client Care

Client care is responsible for registration and as a direct communication with the client.



Clinic Driver

Ari is in charge of escorting the vet’s house call to the client’s house.

Send us a Message

Visit Our Clinic

Jl. Raya Ps. Kby. Lama No.7, RT.3/RW.1, Jakarta Barat, 11540

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(021) 530-6790

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